Types of Dinosaurs

Names of Dinosaurs & Dinosaur Information
Dinosaur Name:


- Pronunciation: ant-ARK-tuh-SAWR-us
- Translation: Southern Lizard
- Order: Saurischia
- Suborder: Sauropodomorpha
- Infraorder: Sauropoda
- Family: Titanosauridae
- Height: 20 feet (6.1 meters)
- Weight: 80,026 -100,000 lbs (36,300 - 45,360 kg)
- Length: 59 feet (18 meters)
- Period: Late Cretaceous
- Description: Herbivore, Quadrupedal
- Notes: Found in both India and South America, Antarctosaurus is the largestdinosaur known to have lived in the Southern Hemisphere. It is also oneof the few sauropods whose skull exists.